Archive for the 'Dogs ' Category
Winter is coming and the new products also! Check it!
Winter is coming and with it the new products. We have prepared for you and your pets extra care and protection. Check out new products and find something for your pets. New products in the form of Pestigon Combo are...

Black Friday and great prices are now just three days away!!! Just message us to activate your coupon code with discount and buy products at low prices!! Make your pet well cared and happy!! Your vet team
Contact us directly and get your coupon code with discount for all our products. Offer will last until 30.11.!! MAKE YOUR PET HAPPY!!!
Find out some facts about fleas and ticks!
The facts about ticks and fleas A flea starts feeding on blood within 5 minutes When a flea jumps onto a pet, it will start feeding within 5 minutes and may suck blood for up to 2½ hours. A single...